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A year ago today I submitted my application to INSEAD.  Ah, nostagia.  It’s amazing how fast that year went.  And yet how much stuff has changed since.  I remember scrambling to get all my essays in on time and make sure they were coherent.  The funny thing is, I’m doing the same thing this year for people at INSEAD, only now it’s to see if I can pass my classes and graduate in 9 months.  And the new question is: where will things be two years from the day I applied to INSEAD?  Hm…

Next Wednesday, May 26, I’ll be leaving for Paris to spend the long weekend there during which I’ll be attending the Open Day for my class.  That should be fun, and I’ll report back fully afterwards.

More interestingly (at least for now), is that on May 28, while I’m away, the ’11D class will have its Round 1 notification deadline.  I just realized this recently, and it boggles my mind a bit.  The idea that my classmates and I will suddenly no longer be the newest members of the INSEAD community is a little disorienting.  Being “fresh” seemed like it should be something that we should be able to enjoy at least until we started school, but somehow there are going to be newer INSEADers running around starting next week.

That being said, I guess it’s a feeling that we should all get used to.  From what I understand INSEAD’s going to go faster than any of us expect and suddenly we’re going to be standing there with our diplomas in hand going, “Wait.  What just happened??”  Ahh, the 10 month MBA… I’m trying to make up now the sleep that I’ll be missing once we start!

Anyway, I’m getting really excited for the Open Day and the trip to Paris.  The friend that I’m staying with keeps sending me suggestions of what we can do… Pont des Arts for drinks, Canal St. Martin for l’apéro, Versailles, the Louvre, the Jardin du Luxembourg.  It all sounds horrible, right?  It’s been four years since I’ve visited, and it will be great to visit again.  More on that :trip when I’m back.

In the meantime, in the spirit of not being such a new INSEADer anymore…

Congrats to the new ’11D Admits!


A while back, on December 18th, I heard from the INSEAD admissions committee that I was accepted to the class of July 2011, starting in September 2010.  I was totally overwhelmed and excited.  Like most of the world’s other top schools, INSEAD seemed to me like a place that you could never really count on getting into regardless of the quality of your application.  That said, the news was good, so I paid my €5,000 deposit and secured my spot.  I had only applied to one other program, and INSEAD was by far my preference.

Right now, I’m focusing on my current job, which I’ll be done with at the end of July, then I’m moving to Fontainebleau in mid-August.  I recently locked in my housing, which is going to be at Villa Vivante.  It seems like a great place, given that it’s in town/close to school, but still has the size and seems to have the culture of the bigger châteaux.  I guess I’ll find out for sure in a couple of months.  It also has a maid and gardener.  Awesome.

In any event, I’m planning on visiting Fonty during the last weekend in May for the Open Day.  I’m looking forward to meeting some current students, alumni, and future classmates then.  I met some of the future ’11J’ers in New York a couple of times already.  If they’re representative of our class as a whole, it’s going to be a good bunch.

I’ve got my entrance language certification out of the way (Spanish), and I think I might try to pass my exit language test before I go as well (French), so that I don’t have to worry about it while I’m there.

Regardless of all of this, I know I’m in for an adventure.  Word on the street is that this is going to be the best, craziest, most challenging, and quickest year of my life, and I can’t wait.  Hopefully I’ll come out, as Daft Punk would put it, “harder, better, faster, stronger”.