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Next Wednesday, May 26, I’ll be leaving for Paris to spend the long weekend there during which I’ll be attending the Open Day for my class.  That should be fun, and I’ll report back fully afterwards.

More interestingly (at least for now), is that on May 28, while I’m away, the ’11D class will have its Round 1 notification deadline.  I just realized this recently, and it boggles my mind a bit.  The idea that my classmates and I will suddenly no longer be the newest members of the INSEAD community is a little disorienting.  Being “fresh” seemed like it should be something that we should be able to enjoy at least until we started school, but somehow there are going to be newer INSEADers running around starting next week.

That being said, I guess it’s a feeling that we should all get used to.  From what I understand INSEAD’s going to go faster than any of us expect and suddenly we’re going to be standing there with our diplomas in hand going, “Wait.  What just happened??”  Ahh, the 10 month MBA… I’m trying to make up now the sleep that I’ll be missing once we start!

Anyway, I’m getting really excited for the Open Day and the trip to Paris.  The friend that I’m staying with keeps sending me suggestions of what we can do… Pont des Arts for drinks, Canal St. Martin for l’apéro, Versailles, the Louvre, the Jardin du Luxembourg.  It all sounds horrible, right?  It’s been four years since I’ve visited, and it will be great to visit again.  More on that :trip when I’m back.

In the meantime, in the spirit of not being such a new INSEADer anymore…

Congrats to the new ’11D Admits!

I realized that in spite of the fact that I’ve been poring over every photo, video, piece of writing I can find about INSEAD, many of you might not have any idea where it is or what it looks like or what the program is.  So, here I will post some helpful links.

Link #1: Overview of the INSEAD MBA Program (or Programme, as they spell it).

Link #2: Tour of the Fontainebleau Campus (or Fonty as it is affectionately nicknamed).

Link #3: Overview of the Difference Between INSEAD and Harvard Business School

As for location, INSEAD is located in beautiful, leafy Fontainebleau (Fon-ten-blow …not -blue), France, which is situated about 40 minutes southeast of Paris and is easily accessible by train.  It’s literally in the middle of the woods – back in the day the king had his hunting lodge there and this is the town surrounding it.  Of course, a king’s lodge looks more like a palace (this one, actually) and now functions as a museum, and the forest (the Forêt de Fontainebleau) is mostly known for its world-renowned geology and rock climbing.

With a few of my extra minutes, I’ve made a very helpful diagram for those of you who are still not clear on the geography:

Okay, that’s all for now.  I think I addressed all the basics…any questions I didn’t answer?